Friday, July 30, 2010

SPLASHDOWN BOOKS Takes On Growing Speculative Market

A few months back, a new publisher started up rather quietly, filling a need in an area with high interest but limited representation in Christian circles. Splashdown Books landed with The Muse by Fred Warren, a quirky fantasy that is attracting accolades and attention, even award nominations. Since then three more books have been published with more to come within the year. Grace Bridges, the publisher, has produced this nice little video (narrated by author Adam Graham) which introduces the publisher and current books well.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Unexpected Long Dry Spell; Hopefully Ending Very Soon

It's been an incredibly long time since I posted anything on this blog. As they say, "due to circumstances beyond my control." Not to go into the boring details, but increasing health issues mixed with a string of computer problems (I'm beginning to think computers are allergic to me) prevented me from writing for several months. In that time I managed to do only short, unoriginal entries for a couple of books that deserve much more attention, attention I intend to give them soon. From May 12 until July 15 I was totally out of commission, in the hospital and a convalescent center. Home has never looked as good as it does now. I'm still a bit slow about writing, partly because I'm still not running on all four cylinders, but there's a huge backlog of books that I need to review. My apologies to all the authors and publishers who rightfully expected a post on the books sent to me. Now I have to find them all again before I can begin, since some of my incredible friends straightened up my apartment while I was gone.

I also want to take a moment to thank my friends who knew about my problems, who lifted me up in their thoughts and prayers. The prayers kept me going, I know. Your concern and care has overwhelmed me; I feel so very blessed!

So, God willing and a computer is working, I should get started next week. I may not get the reviews out in the proper order, but they will be forthcoming!